Required Documents

For international graduate students thinking of applying for tuition fee exemption for the 1st semester of 2023, please download the required documents below.

  1. Check Sheet ( Excel , PDF ) : All applicants
    Please answer the questions on the downloaded check sheet (Excel file) to prepare your submission.
    Please print all sheets of the inputted Excel file on one side of A4 and staple the upper left corner of the check sheet to submit.
    If you cannot use the Excel file, please use the PDF version.
  2. Application Form  ( Excel , PDF ) : All applicants
  3. Statement of no income and no occupation (Form1)
    Applicants whose spouse is not a student and has no income.
  4. Scholarship Information Report (Form 3) : All applicants
    This is required regardless of whether you have received scholarships or not.
    If your spouse is a student, your spouse's Form 3 must also be submitted.
    Please be sure to attach a copy of the scholarship acceptance letter, etc.
  5. Family Income Reportof (Form 4) : All applicants
    This is required regardless of whether you are working or not.
  6. Student Registration Certificate (Form 6)
    Applicants are required to submit this if their spouse or child is a student (highschool or older) and lives with them in Japan.
  7. Economic Balance Report (Form 11) : All applicants
  8. Copy of Housing Rental Agreement : All applicants except those who live in a dorm provided by Kobe University or Hyogo International House.
  9. Tax Certificate (original) or Copy of Residence Card : All applicants
    This is required regardless of whether you are working or not.
    If you have a spouse, your spouse's certificate is also required.
    If you were not yet in Japan as of January 1, 2022, please submit a copy of your residence card instead (both sides).
  10. Payslips : Applicants who have a job 
    If your spouse has a job, your spouse's documents are also required.
  11. Statement for Extension of Study Year :Applicants who have exceeded the period of study
    Please make sure to fill out the reason and obtain a comment from their supervisor.
    Reason examples are given on page 2 of the document.
  12. Power of attorney :Applicants who want to submit by proxy