One of the longest-standing centers of economics research in Japan, the Faculty of Economics of Kobe University has the largest number of fields of research and faculty members among the national universities in the Kansai area and in Japan.

The Faculty of Economics covers areas of economics research such as: Theoretical Analysis, Historical Analysis, Statistics and Econometric Analysis, Industrial and Social Policy, Monetary and Public Policy, Comparative Economic Policy, Technological and Environmental Analysis, and International Economic Policy. 

Key Information

  • Degree Programme
    Bachelor of Economics
  • Subject area
  • Duration
    4 years
  • Total Intake (AY 2024)


Contact Us

2-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
Tel. +81(0)78-803- 7247
E-mail: econ-kyomu@office.kobe-u.
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