June 1, 2014
On May 29, the JEUPISTE project hosted a seminar titled “Horizon 2020” at Kobe University’s Centennial Hall.
Kobe University was adopted as a participating institution by the Japan-EU Partnership in Innovation, Science and Technology (JEUPISTE) project in September 2013. This project is part of BILAT (Bilateral Coordination for the Enhancement and Development of S&T Partnerships) under the 7th Framework of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation funding programme for the period 2007-2013. The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation at the Institute for International Studies and Training coordinates this project. Nine institutions are participating from Japan and the EU, and Kobe University is the only Japanese institution other than the coordinating EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation located in Tokyo.
Horizon 2020 is the world's largest public funding programme for multinational research, development and innovation. The seminar took place at Kobe University to further promote science, technology and innovation cooperation between Japan and the EU. The seminar saw approximately 70 participants from Kobe University, other universities and private companies.
The seminar provided an overview of Horizon 2020, a lecture about Japanese strategies for R&D and innovation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and presentations about case studies by organizations that participated in the previous FP7. Moreover, a lecture regarding cooperation between Japan and the EU was given by the Project Manager at the Critical Raw Materials Innovation Network. An active Q&A session took place between presenters and participants. The seminar deepened the understanding of Horizon 2020 among participants and provided an opportunity to exchange information regarding science, technology and innovation cooperation between Japan and the EU.