Kobe University

The 6th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium

November 20, 2015

On October 20, Kobe University hosted the 6th Kobe University Brussels European Centre (KUBEC) Symposium titled “For Smart and Healthy Society - common challenges in research and education by Japan and EU collaboration-.” Over 50 attendees from the European Union and Japan representing government, academia, and business participated in the Symposium.

Led by Professor OGAWA Matsuto, Executive Vice President in Charge of Research and Industry-University Cooperation, President TAKEDA Hiroshi, H.E. Mr. KATAKAMI Keiichi, Ambassador of Japan to the European Union, and Mr. Kostas Glinos, Head of Unit for Strategy on International Cooperation, DG Innovation & Research (RTD) made the opening speeches. They expressed their hopes to further advance research collaboration between Japan and the EU.

The Symposium was organised into four breakout sessions on the following themes: (1) ICT and Smarter Society, (2) Nanoscience for Material Technology and Energy Conversion, (3) Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Research and Education of Economics and Law, and (4) Recent Advances in In Vitro Modeling of the Human-Microbial Gastrointestinal Interface. Researchers from the EU and Japan participated in the sessions, presented their latest research findings, and discussed opportunities for future cooperation. Participants showed a keen interest in the presentations and actively engaged in the question and answer sessions.

The Symposium addressed themes common to Japan and the EU, facilitated the exchange of the latest information among participants, and was highly acclaimed by both Japanese and EU government officials. Kobe University will continue to utilise the Kobe University Brussels European Centre to promote education and research collaborations between the EU and Japan.

(International Affairs Planning Division)