December 2, 2015
The 3rd Japan-Indonesia Rectors' Conference was held at Hokkaido University on November 5-6, 2015 under the theme of “Collaboration in Research and Education for a Sustainable Society”. The conference was co-hosted by Bogor Agricultural University. From Kobe University, Executive Vice President UCHIDA Kazunori and Professor TAKADA Satoshi, Dean of the Graduate School of Health Sciences participated in the conference.
The conference started with welcome speeches by President of Hokkaido University YAMAGUCHI Keizo, and Rector of Bogor Agricultural University Herry Suhardiyanto. Following this, Ms. Noriko Suzuki (Director of the Office for International Planning at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan) and Dr. Ir. Agus Indarjo (Secretary General of the Directorate General of Institution for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in Indonesia) presented opening addresses.
President of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) HAMAGUCHI Michinari delivered his keynote speech on “Innovation & Universities ~From our experiences~”. During the parallel working group session on “Education Collaboration”, Professor TAKADA Satoshi gave a speech on “Joint Student Programs between Japanese and Indonesian Universities”. He introduced collaborative projects between Kobe University and Indonesian universities in various fields, including the example of the “Re-Inventing Japan Project” which involved the collaboration of the Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine and Graduate School of Health Sciences.
With 115 attendees from 28 Japanese universities and 21 Indonesian universities, lively discussions regarding collaborative research between Japan and Indonesia ensued. Throughout the conference, the participants from Indonesia conveyed their enthusiasm to foster global human resources for the next generation through collaboration with Japan in education and research. They also demonstrated high levels of interest in Japanese higher education, science and technology. At the welcome reception, they expressed their wishes to work on joint projects with Kobe University in the fields of medicine, tropical infection studies and oceanographic research.

(International Affairs Planning Division)