Kobe University

Joint Lecture Series with Jagiellonian University Faculty of Law and Administration

November 25, 2016

On October 24, a signing ceremony was held at Jagiellonian University in Poland to conclude an Agreement between the Kobe University Graduate School of Law and the Jagiellonian University Faculty of Law and Administration for a Joint Lecture Series. From Kobe University the ceremony was attended by Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange) and professors from the Graduate School of Law who will participate in the Joint Lecture Series. From Jagiellonian University Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Pisuliński (Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration), and Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Mania (Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration and former Vice-Rector for Education) participated in the ceremony. During the signing ceremony both sides expressed their wishes for ongoing active exchange between our institutions.

Kobe University is expanding international exchange through an initiative that sends Kobe University professors to hold lectures in our partner institutions. We have implemented this system with the Jagiellonian University Center for Comparative Studies of Civilizations since 2014. The Agreement concluded allows both universities to send faculty members to lecture in the partner university.

After the signing ceremony, Professor INOUE (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange) gave the first lecture of an omnibus lecture series titled “Japanese Legal System 1”, which was followed by lectures given by four professors from the Kobe University Graduate School of Law. Many Jagiellonian students attended this first lecture series. A second lecture series titled “Japanese Legal System 2” is scheduled to be held at the end of November, and it is expected to have similarly high attendance levels.

Jagiellonian University concluded an Inter-University Agreement for Academic Exchange and a Student Exchange Agreement with Kobe University in 2013, and they are one of our active exchange partners in Europe. Jagiellonian University and Kobe University are also both members of the consortium responsible for implementing the EU-Japan Advanced Multidisciplinary Master Studies project (EU-JAMM, a student exchange program supported by the European Commission and MEXT, part of an education program implemented by the Japanese government and the EU). In October 2015 Kobe University established the Liaison Office in Kraków within the Jagiellonian University Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations, providing further opportunities for academic exchange with Eastern European institutions.

(International Affairs Planning Division)