December 20, 2016

From December 5 to December 7, Mr. Patrick Vittet-Philippe (former Head of Japan and Russia Desks, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission) visited Kobe University to discuss the University’s activities in Europe. The first meeting on December 5 was attended by Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President for International Exchange), Professor YUI Kiyomitsu (Executive Advisor to the President), and Professor YOSHIDA Ken-ichi (Executive Director, Kobe University Brussels European Centre). During the meeting Kobe University faculty members introduced our international strategy and Brussels European Centre activities, and the participants discussed ways to build upon the University’s activities within Europe.
On December 6, Mr. Vittet-Philippe held a seminar for University faculty and staff on EU research and funding programmes, explaining initiatives such as HORIZON 2020 and Erasmus+. Europe is a key region in Kobe University’s international strategy, and we are actively participating in the networks of European academic and educational support organizations. The University is already involved in several Erasmus+ programs. This seminar was followed by a meeting with Professor HAGIWARA Taiji (Graduate School of Economics), Associate Professor HANADA Eva (Institute for Promoting International Partnerships, Centre for EU Academic Collaboration), and Project Professor TOMITA Katsuhiko (Office of Strategic Research Management) to talk about the University’s current participation in Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence projects and HORIZON 2020.

On December 7 Mr. Vittet-Philippe visited the Kobe University Center for Membrane and Film Technology, where professors introduced the research facilities and projects, and explored possibilities for collaboration with European organizations. This was followed by a meeting on international communication with Project Associate Professor IWASAKI Yukio (Office of Strategic Research Management) and staff from the International Affairs Planning Division.
During this visit many fruitful discussions took place that will contribute to the internationalization of our University. We will continue to receive advice from Mr. Vittet-Philippe, expanding collaboration in education and research within Europe in addition to strengthening the functions of the Brussels European Centre.
(International Affairs Planning Division)