January 17, 2017
The Kobe University Academic Research and Education Forum (KUAREF) in Indonesia was co-hosted with Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Indonesia on December 21 and 23, 2016. This symposium is the successor of the annual Kobe University Global-Link Forum (KUGL), which aimed to raise the University’s profile overseas by strengthening our ties with the international alumni association network and partner institutions. This year the first Kobe University Academic Research and Education Forum was held as an academic event with a renewed focus on research and education.
On December 21, the KUAREF preconference event took place at Universitas Gadjah Mada under the theme of “Medicine and Healthcare – Research Frontiers between Kobe University and Universitas Gadjah Mada”. Kobe University has concluded an academic exchange agreement with Universitas Gadjah Mada and the two universities are engaged in close collaboration. Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange) and Professor Ova Emilia (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Gadjah Mada) gave the opening addresses, speaking about the cordial relationship between Kobe University and Universitas Gadjah Mada, and their expectations for future collaboration. Following this, academic reports and question and answer sessions were held on the themes of health and hygiene, disasters, and gender. The successful event was brought to a close with a speech from Professor UCHIDA Kazunori (Kobe University Executive Vice President in Charge of Public Relations and Community Cooperation).
On December 23, the main event was held at the Margo Hotel in Depok, near Jakarta, on the theme of “Language, law and technology: Research Frontiers between Kobe University and Universitas Indonesia”. Kobe University has a close collaborative relationship with Universitas Indonesia and the two universities have concluded an academic exchange agreement. The event opened with speeches from Professor TAKEDA Hiroshi (Kobe University President), Professor Heri Hermansyah (Director of Research and Community Engagement, Universitas Indonesia), Mr. NAKAMURA Ryo (Minister at the Embassy of Japan in Jakarta), and Mr. TSUKAMOTO Norihisa (Director of the Japan Foundation, Jakarta) in which they expressed their hopes for continued international academic exchange between Kobe University, Universitas Indonesia and other Indonesian universities. Session 1 focused on comparative studies in social science and humanities from Indonesia and Japan, and session 2 discussed innovative membrane technology for resolving energy and environmental issues. In both sessions, participants presented the results of cutting-edge research and engaged in lively debates. The final session was a report of the December 21 preconference. Over 250 people attended the preconference and symposium, including many Universitas Indonesia staff and students.
After the symposium, the reception and alumni networking event took place, attended by former students of Kobe University who currently work at companies and research institutions in Indonesia. This provided a valuable opportunity for alumni to talk about their memories of Kobe University and their work after graduation.
Kobe University is co-hosting many symposia and deepening connections with Asian universities. We will continue to strengthen collaboration in education and research with universities in Asia and around the world.

(International Affairs Planning Division)