Kobe University

Visit to review Kobe University's international communications Activities

February 28, 2017

On February 17, Mr. Stephen Gosden, former Webmaster at the European Commission Research and Innovation DG visited Kobe University to review our international communications, focusing on website-based initiatives.

During the visit he first met with Professor UCHIDA Kazunori (Executive Vice President in Charge of Public Relations) to discuss the University’s international communications initiatives. Following this, Mr. Gosden participated in a meeting with Project Associate Professor IWASAKI Yukio (Office of Strategic Research Management) and staff members from the Communications Division and the International Affairs Planning Division. Members of staff from the International Affairs Planning Division introduced the University’s international communications initiatives, including the new English website and research-related press releases. Mr. Gosden also introduced some of the international communications strategies used at the European Commission. The meeting continued with a discussion of ways to enhance international communications, focusing on website-based communication.

Kobe University established the Brussels European Centre in September 2010 with the aim of further promoting exchange with Europe, and since then we have continued to strengthen our collaboration in research and education with European institutions. This visit was part of a new initiative that aims to further internationalise our public relations by incorporating advice from a European perspective. We will continue to act on advice from Mr. Gosden to enhance our international communications activities.

(International Affairs Planning Division)