Kobe University

Visit from the National University of Laos

April 21, 2017

On April 17, Dr. Somsy Gnophanxay (President, National University of Laos), Dr. Saykhong Saynasine (Director General, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Sports, Laos), Dr. Bounlouane Douangngeune (Director, Laos-Japan Human Resource Development Institute), Dr. Sengdeuane Wayakone (Director, Department of International Cooperation Division, National University of Laos), Ms. Valy Vetsaphong (Vice President, Laos National Chamber of Commerce and Industry), and Mr. SUZUKI Yasujiro (Chief Adviser, Laos-Japan Human Resource Development Institute) visited Kobe University. The delegation met with members of Kobe University including Professor TAKEDA Hiroshi (Kobe University President), Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange) and Professor CHENG Kuang-hui (Dean of the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies). During the visit they discussed exchange between the two universities and expanding collaboration into other disciplines.

The National University of Laos (NUOL) was established in 1996 by merging multiple higher education institutes. It is the largest national university in Laos and has produced many talented graduates. On May 10, 2001, NUOL concluded an inter-university academic exchange agreement with Kobe University, and on January 9, 2016, the Laos-Japan Human Resource Development Institute and our Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies concluded an inter-departmental academic exchange agreement. From 2000 to 2007 the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) assisted in the establishment and management of the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at the National University of Laos, and since then GSICS has maintained close ties with NUOL. Student and researcher exchange is also taking place between NUOL and other departments in Kobe University.

During the visit, President Gnophanxay and other members of the delegation expressed their gratitude for Kobe University’s exchange and cooperation activities, and their wishes to deepen this exchange in the future. This was followed by an active discussion about training entrepreneurs and other specialists in economics and business administration entrepreneurs, future cooperation, for example in arts education, and potential academic fields for cooperation between our universities. We expect that this visit will promote closer ties and increased exchange between Kobe University and the National University of Laos.

(International Affairs Planning Division)