Kobe University

Kobe University participated in Japan education events in China

April 25, 2017

Representatives from Kobe University participated in two events about studying in Japan, on April 6 at the China University of Geosciences in Beijing and on April 7 at Beijing Normal University. These events were organized by the Embassy of Japan in China to provide information for students who wish to study abroad in Japan. Approximately 30 students from the China University of Geosciences and 50 students from Beijing Normal University attended.

Before the event at the China University of Geosciences, a dialogue took place between Mr. YOKOI Masao (Councilor of the Embassy of Japan in China) and Executive Vice President WANG Xunlian (China University of Geosciences). Executive Vice President WANG, who took his doctorate degree in Japan, expressed his gratitude to the Japanese government and Japanese universities, and his expectations for increased exchange activities between Japanese and Chinese universities.

The event started with a welcome address to the members of the Japanese embassy, Japanese universities and institutions from the Head of the International Office Mr. CAI Min, followed by an introduction to studying in Japan and an explanation of the scholarship system for international students from Mr. YOKOI. After this, each of the three participating Japanese universities (Kobe University, Hosei University and Waseda University) gave a 15-minute presentation introducing their institutions, and representatives from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) explained their organizations. This event took place at the China University of Geosciences in Beijing, a science-focused institution that specializes in geology.

At the start of the event at Beijing Normal University, Ms. WANG Xiaomei (Head of the International Office) gave a welcome address and an introduction to the university. This was followed by an introduction to studying in Japan and an explanation of the scholarship system for international students, given by the Embassy of Japan in China First Secretary KIKUCHI Shintaro. Each of the eight participating universities gave an 8-minute introduction to their institutions, followed by explanations of JSPS and JST from their representatives. Beijing Normal University is a humanities-centric university specializing in education and psychology, and incorporating a Japanese studies department.

After each of the events, the student attendees enthusiastically questioned representatives from each university, covering topics such as the necessary preparations for studying in Japan and showing great interest in Japan-based further education. Beijing Normal University concluded an academic exchange agreement with Kobe University in 2005, and we are actively involved in exchange activities. We look forward to further developing our exchange with the China University of Geosciences and Beijing Normal University.

(International Affairs Planning Division)