Kobe University

Network meeting held at Brussels European Centre

October 4, 2017

On September 21, Kobe University held a network meeting for the Unilion Core Group at the Kobe University Brussels European Centre (KUBEC). Since the Brussels European Centre was established in 2010, it has served as a base for our University to promote academic exchange with universities in Europe. In February 2017 Kobe University joined the Brussels network for European universities (UniLion) and through this network we have been exchanging information about European Commission research and education funding schemes and finding new partner institutions. 

At this meeting, chaired by Mr. Patrick Vittet-Philippe (Advisor to KUBEC), network participants reported on developments in the latest European Commission education and research funding schemes including Horizon 2020 FP9 and Erasmus+, and participating institutions also looked into expanding their exchanges.

Following this, Professor YOSHIDA Ken-ichi (Executive Director of KUBEC) gave a presentation about Kobe University’s research and education initiatives and our activities in Europe. His presentation included an introduction to the forthcoming 8th Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium which will take place on November 21. Attendees showed great interest in the symposium and the University’s other activities in Europe. After this, Professor Yoshida and the participants engaged in a lively Q&A session and discussion about initiating and expanding collaborations with Kobe University.

In addition to this meeting, on September 20 Professor Yoshida and Mr. Vittet-Philippe visited Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where KUBEC is located. They met with Professor Sonja Snacken (Vice Rector) and Professor Jacqueline Couder (Head of International Relations) to discuss future exchange expansion between our institutions through KUBEC.

Kobe University will continue using the Brussels European Office as a base to promote increased cooperation in education and research with Europe.

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 (International Affairs Planning Division)