December 4, 2017
On November 22, Kobe University held an Advisory Board meeting at the Kobe University Brussels European Centre in Belgium. The meeting was attended by board members His Excellency Mr. Herman Van Rompuy (former President of the European Council) and Professor Roger Goodman (Warden of St Antony’s College, University of Oxford).

The meeting was chaired by Professor YOSHIDA Ken-ichi (Executive Director of the Brussels European Centre), and Kobe University President Professor TAKEDA Hiroshi reported on the new composition of the Board. This was followed by presentations on the University’s cooperation with industries as well as competitive funding acquisition from Professor OGAWA Matsuto (Executive Vice President in Charge of Research and Industry-University Cooperation) and on the recent international activities by Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange). Mr. Patrick Vittet-Philippe (Executive Advisor of the Brussels European Centre) finally presented on the recent activities of the Brussels European Centre.

The board members expressed their opinions on topics such as the acquisition of EU funding, the number of international students at Kobe University, and the activities of the university offices network in Brussels. Kobe University will continue to hold Advisory Board meetings in its overseas offices and work to further enhance our governance.
(International Affairs Planning Division)