Kobe University

Executive Vice President Ogawa gives lecture in Budapest organized by Japan Foundation

December 15, 2017

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On November 16, Professor OGAWA Matsuto (Executive Vice President in Charge of Research and University-Industry Cooperation) visited Budapest on the invitation of the Japan Foundation Budapest. Before his lecture at Budapest Business School, he met with Dr. Zoltán Dubéczi (Director of the Education Directorate, the Central Bank of Hungary). The meeting was also attended from the Bank by Dr. Levente Horvath (Head of Department, Education Directorate-International Department for Education), Dr. Szilárd Boros (Counsellor, Department of Education), and from the Japan Foundation Budapest, Director TADA Sanae. Dr. Dubéczi introduced the Bank’s newly-established funding system for international academic exchange between Hungary and foreign universities, and Professor Ogawa expressed his wishes for Kobe University to actively participate in and organize education and research exchange activities, joint seminars and international conferences within this system.

In the afternoon, Professor Ogawa gave a lecture at Budapest Business School, organized by the Japan Foundation Budapest. Our University has close links with Budapest Business School: in May this year, Professor Judit Hidasi (Faculty of International Management and Business) gave a special lecture as part of the Kobe University Educational Program on Current Japan, and in June a delegation led by Professor Balázs Heidrich (President of Budapest Business School) visited Kobe University. Professor Ogawa’s lecture was attended by many students and faculty including Professor Hidasi, as well as members of the public.

The lecture was chaired by Dr. Tamás Novák (Director of the Oriental Business and Innovation Center). It began with an introduction to the funding support for international exchange offered by the Central Bank of Hungary, presented by Dr. Zoltán Dubéczi (Director of the Education Directorate, the Central Bank of Hungary). Dr. Dubéczi, who is also Secretary General of the Hungarian Rectors Conference, expressed his hopes for increased collaboration and cooperation between Hungarian and Japanese research organizations, as well as between Budapest Business School and Kobe University. Following this, Professor Ogawa gave a lecture on research and industry-university collaboration, including examples from Kobe University. As in Japan, national universities in Hungary also need to secure external funds, and the lecture included lively discussions on this topic. After the lecture many participants stayed on to talk to Professor Ogawa. The audience also held high expectations for the lecture from our University’s Executive Vice President MIZUTANI Fumitoshi, scheduled for the following week.

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(International Affairs Planning Division)