Kobe University

Events in Slovakia and Hungary co-organized with the Japan Foundation Budapest

February 28, 2018

On February 1, Kobe University held a seminar on Japanese pop culture in Bratislava, Slovakia, co-organized with the Embassy of Japan in Slovakia and the Japan Foundation Budapest. Professor YUI Kiyomitsu (Executive Assistant to the President in Charge of International Collaboration and Professor at the Graduate School of Humanities gave the seminar, titled “Japanese pop culture travels the world”. His presentation was followed by an enthusiastic question-and-answer session that demonstrated the high levels of local interest.

Following this, on February 3 and 4 Kobe University collaborated with the Japan Foundation Budapest to co-host a PhD workshop in Hungary. The workshop was attended from Kobe University by Professor YUI Kiyomitsu and Associate Professor MASUKI Ryusuke (Graduate School of Humanities). The event was aimed at PhD students selected from within Eastern Europe, and included presentations about Japanese studies, discussions, and research advice. Associate Professor MASUKI gave the closing lecture on February. This event has been held four times to date, and Kobe University was the only participating university from Japan – we received positive feedback for our institution’s strong presence in Eastern Europe.

On February 5, Associate Professor MASUKI held a seminar for the general public on Buddhist art. The seminar was titled “Myōe and Kūkai on figures of Butsugen-Butsumo” and co-hosted with the Japan Foundation Budapest. Approximately 100 people attended, filling every seat in the venue and creating a lively atmosphere.

Each of the workshops and seminars were attended by many local students and researchers. These events provided opportunities to deepen knowledge about relations between Japan and Eastern Europe, and to strengthen exchange between academics and students in Slovakia and Hungary in the field of Japanese studies, particularly Japanese culture.

In October 2015 Kobe University established a Liaison Office in Kraków, Poland, and we have strengthened our collaboration with Eastern Europe in education and research. The University will continue to co-host events with the Japan Foundation Budapest and work with partner institutions in Eastern Europe to promote academic cooperation.

Seminar on Japanese pop culture (Bratislava)
Seminar on Japanese pop culture (Bratislava)
PhD workshop (Budapest)
PhD workshop (Budapest)
Seminar on Buddhist art (Budapest)
Seminar on Buddhist art (Budapest)

(International Affairs Planning Division)