March 9, 2018
On March 1, Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange and Internal Control), Professor OGAWA Matsuto (Executive Vice President in Charge of Research and Industry-University Cooperation) and Professor TOMIYAMA Akio (Dean, Graduate School of Engineering) visited the Technical University of Munich in Germany. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is a national technical university established in 1868. It comprises 14 faculties (including business administration, education and political science), 5 integrated research centers, and 7 industrial research centers. It consistently places highly in the world university rankings.
Both sides agreed to conclude an inter-university agreement for academic exchange, and a signing ceremony was held during the visit. A memorandum of understanding for inter-university student exchange was also concluded alongside this agreement. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Ana Santos Kühn, (Vice President for International Faculty Recruiting and Career Programs) who signed the agreements with Vice President INOUE. The professors responsible for international exchange in each faculty at TUM were also present. Both institutions were introduced. Vice President Santos Kühn mentioned Germany’s growing demand for academic exchange with Japan, and expressed her wishes for future active exchange in research and education based on the new agreement with Kobe University 150 years after the establishment of TUM. Professor TOMIYAMA then introduced the Graduate School of Engineering, and both parties agreed to collaborate closely in the future.
Inter-university academic exchange with TUM is expected to take place in the future.
(International Affairs Planning Division)