Kobe University

Visit and signing ceremony at Hamburg University of Technology

March 9, 2018

On February 2, Professor INOUE Noriyuki (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange and Internal Control), Professor OGAWA Matsuto (Executive Vice President in Charge of Research and Industry-University Cooperation) and Professor TOMIYAMA Akio (Dean, Graduate School of Engineering) visited the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) in Germany. The Hamburg University of Technology and Kobe University have engaged in joint research and researcher mobility, mainly in engineering fields.

Both sides agreed to conclude an inter-university agreement for academic exchange, and a signing ceremony was held during the visit. The ceremony was attended from TUHH by Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle (Executive Director of International Affairs) who signed the agreement alongside Vice President INOUE. Professor TOMIYAMA and Professor Michael Schlüter (Professor, TUHH Institute of Multiphase Flows) were also present at the ceremony, and all parties agreed to collaborate closely in the future. Ms. MARUYAMA Fumie (Consul, Consulate-General of Japan in Hamburg) also attended, and expressed her wishes that exchange between our institutions would contribute to further Japan-Germany and Japan-Europe research cooperation.

We look forward to widening exchange in the future, including researcher and student exchange.

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(International Affairs Planning Division)