April 19, 2018
On April 13, Kobe University hosted a seminar about EU Research and Innovation program Horizon 2020, the German Academic Exchange Service (DFG) and the German Research Foundation (DAAD).
The seminar opened with greetings from Professor Noriyuki Inoue (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange) and Minister-Counsellor Dr Leonidas Karapiperis (Head of Science and Technology Section, Delegation of the European Union to Japan) who stated their expectations that this event would advance academic exchange between Japan and Europe. The morning session was supported by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (H2020 National Contact Point in Japan) and EURAXESS. It provided an introduction to EU research funding program Horizon 2020, how to apply for the program and examples of past participants. This was followed in the afternoon by an introduction to research and education schemes offered by the German government, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DFT) and the German Research Foundation (DAAD).
Kobe University’s Center for EU Academic Collaboration focuses on promoting international exchange with the key region of Europe. We encourage Kobe University researchers to actively participate in European Commission programs such as Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+, as well as funding for education and research offered by individual countries including DFT and DAAD. We hope that this seminar has provided a starting point for more researchers to strengthen their collaboration with Europe.

(International Affairs Planning Division)