Kobe University

Kobe University participated in the 2018 Japan-Taiwan University Presidents’ Forum

June 18, 2018

Plenary session
Plenary session

The 2018 Japan-Taiwan University Presidents’ Forum took place in Hiroshima on June 7. Kobe University was represented by Professor Noriyuki Inoue (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange) and Project Assistant Professor Tatsuya Maisawa (Center for Asian Academic Collaboration). The forum was held under the theme of “Enhancement of Educational and Research Collaboration Corresponding to the Globalization of Society” and divided into two sessions: “Enhancement of International Education and International Student Mobility” and “Enhancement of International Research Exchange and Industry-University Collaboration for Innovation”. Active discussions took place about exchange initiatives that utilize the different strengths of universities in Taiwan and Japan.

Meeting with National Cheng Kung University
Meeting with National Cheng Kung University

The representatives from Kobe University used the networking time for talks with Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University about strengthening academic exchange between our institutions.

A total of 67 national, public and private universities from Japan and 35 universities from Taiwan participated in the forum. As well as giving a clear picture of the active exchange between Japan and Taiwan, the event was also a valuable opportunity to strengthen substantive cooperation between institutions.

The next Japan-Taiwan University Presidents’ Forum is planned to take place in 2020, hosted by National Chi Nan University in Taiwan.

(International Affairs Planning Division)