Kobe University

Kobe University participated in Erasmus-Day at Okayama University

April 24, 2019

On April 11, the second edition of Erasmus-Day was held at Okayama University’s Tsushima campus (the first event took place on 20 October 2014). Kobe University participated in this event, which was organized by the Okayama University Research Administration (URA) Office.

After Mr. Richard Kelner (Academic Cooperation Officer from the Delegation of the EU to Japan) outlined the Erasmus+ Programme in detail, Associate Professor Eva Hanada (Kobe University, Institute for Promoting International Partnerships, Centre for EU Academic Collaboration) gave a presentation on the Erasmus Strategies at Kobe University. In her talk, Assoc. Prof. Hanada illustrated the Jean Monnet Activities of Kobe University (Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Jean Monnet Chair), and the Key Action 1 Mobility for learners and staff, with a focus on concrete results achieved by Kobe University in terms of mobility under Erasmus+ between 2016 and 2018.

Dr. Bernard Chenevier (Senior University Research Administrator, Okayama University) then explained the Erasmus process at Okayama University, after which three graduate students and two professors presented their experiences participating in the Erasmus exchange between Okayama University and Sorbonne University.

More details about this event can be found at the following link:Second Erasmus-Day at Okayama University

 (International Affairs Planning Division)