Kobe University

Visit from Government of Western Australia

July 19, 2019

On July 4, David McCulloch (General Manager, Industry and Investment, Government of Western Australian Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation) visited Kobe University and met with Professor Masahiko Yoshii (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange). Mr. McCulloch was accompanied by Noriko Hirata (Regional Director of the Government of Western Australia Kobe Office) and the meeting was also attended from Kobe University by Professor Kan Kimura (Director of the Center for Asian Academic Collaboration), Professor Zhi-Wei Luo (Graduate School of System Informatics) and Project Assistant Professor Tatsuya Maisawa (Center for Asian Academic Collaboration).

Hyogo Prefecture and Western Australia became sister states after signing an agreement in 1981, and they collaborate in a range of areas including economics, industry and culture. Kobe University has concluded academic exchange agreements with two Western Australian institutions: the University of Western Australia and Curtin University. As well as active student and researcher exchange with these universities, Kobe University has an internship program at the Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre in the Western Australia capital of Perth.

The meeting began with words of welcome and an outline of Kobe University’s history from Executive Vice President Yoshii. Professor Kimura and Professor Luo introduced the exchange between Kobe University and the University of Western Australia, and noted that this September both professors will attend a workshop in Western Australia on aging societies in the era of big data. On behalf of the Government of Western Australia Mr. Mulloch expressed his willingness to act as an intermediary in order to promote further exchange between our University and institutions in Western Australia. Following this, the participants held a concrete discussion about future initiatives, and agreed to organize further opportunities for mutual consultation.

Kobe University will continue to promote closer academic exchange with Western Australia, the sister state of Hyogo Prefecture.

(International Affairs Planning Division)