Kobe University

Visit from the Advisor to the Kobe University Brussels European Centre

May 31, 2018

For three days from May 23 to 25, Advisor to the Kobe University Brussels European Centre Mr. Patrick Vittet-Philippe visited Kobe University and discussed Kobe University’s activities in Europe.

The first meeting on May 23 was attended by Professor Noriyuki Inoue (Executive Vice President in Charge of International Exchange), Professor Kiyomitsu Yui (Executive Assistant to the President in Charge of International Collaboration), and Professor Ken-ichi Yoshida (Executive Director of Kobe University Brussels European Centre). The participants introduced our University’s international strategy and the activities of the Brussels Office, and went on to discuss the strengthening of Kobe University’s activities in Europe.

  Mr. Vittet Philippe gives a report on KUBEC activities
Mr. Vittet Philippe gives a report on KUBEC activities

Following this discussion, Mr. Vittet-Philippe, accompanied by Professor Yoshida, paid a visit to the University’s Integrated Research Center on Port Island, and was introduced to the Center’s core research projects.

On May 24, we held a seminar on international communication for researchers aimed at members of Kobe University. Mr. Vittet-Philippe attended as the main speaker. The seminar began with a few words from Professor Kazunori Uchida (Executive Vice President in Charge of Public Relations), followed by a presentation from Mr. Vittet-Philippe on the importance of international communication for research results, and related initiatives from the European Commission. Mr. Tomohiro Akamatsu (Communications Division) and Ms. Eleanor Wyllie (International Affairs Planning Division) then introduced Kobe University’s framework for international and domestic press releases on research outcomes. After the seminar Mr. Vittet-Philippe met with the Student PR Ambassadors and gave them some advice about their activities.

Visit from the Advisor to the Kobe University Brussels European Centre_image02 Visit from the Advisor to the Kobe University Brussels European Centre_image03

In the afternoon, he attended a meeting with the professors who will participate in the annual Kobe University Brussels European Centre Symposium. This year’s event will take place on October 24, co-organized with Vrije Universiteit Brussel under the title of “Smart Cities, Secure Societies: Breakthroughs in EU and Japan Research Cooperation”.

On May 25, Mr. Vittet-Philippe met with Professor Minoru Mizuhata (faculty member at the Graduate School of Engineering, member of Kobe University’s Center for EU Academic Collaboration) and Professor Katsuhiko Tomita (Senior Research Manager, Office for Academic and Industrial Innovation). They exchanged opinions about the latest updates on Horizon 2020 and FP9, and the potential for Kobe University’s participation in these programs.

During these three days many fruitful discussions took place regarding our University’s internationalization activities. We will continue to receive guidance from Mr. Vittet-Philippe in order to enhance the activities of the Brussels Office and use it as a base to strengthen our academic collaboration with Europe.

Related links: Kobe University Brussels European Centre

(International Affairs Planning Division)