


  1. 「留学生OBOG訪問紹介申込書」(Google Forms)から申し込みができます。
  2. いただいた「留学生OBOG訪問紹介申込書」をもとに、東京オフィスから先方に訪問を受け入れていただけるか打診します。
  3. 先方から了解をいただけたら、OBOGの方のお名前と連絡先をお知らせします。



  • 以下のことを確認のうえ、申し込みください。
    • 主に首都圏勤務のOBOGの方です。web面談が中心になります。
    • 先方のご都合によっては紹介できない場合もあります。
    • 希望する企業にお勤めのOBOGの方がいらっしゃらない場合もあります。
    • 希望の業界・企業に外国人OBOGの方がいなくて、日本人OBOGの方しかいない場合があります。



Tokyo office/Career Center Tokyo Branch has started "Visiting OBOG (alumni)" since Oct. 2020 to help International students preparing for Job searching in Japan .

Visiting OBOG at their workplace or online(ex. Zoom) and learning about their actual work will help you to obtain various information of the company and the industry.

How to apply and the basic flow

  1. You can apply through the "Visiting Alumni Introduction Application Form for International Students" (Google Forms).
  2. Tokyo office will search the list of OBOG according to your application and get in touch with OBOG.
  3. If OBOG permit to visit, we will let you know their contact details.
    *Please send cc. for confirmation to Tokyo office when you send e-mail to OBOG.

Points to note when you apply

  1. We introduce OBOG working in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
  2. We may not be able to introduce OBOG when they are not available.
  3. There may not be OBOG in the company you want to visit.
  4. We may introduce Japanese OBOG if there are no OBOG of International students.

Points to note after visiting OBOG

Do not forget that the senior graduates are taking time off work to talk with you, so be prepared with information you can obtain in advance, including from the company website, and have questions ready to ask.
Also please be sure to be polite and keep good manners when you visit OBOG.
*Please read _"About Visiting OBOG"_ of Career Center as a reference.
 (written only in Japanese)