Kobe University is committed to becoming a globally competitive research university. In order to achieve this, the Research Facility Center for Science and Technology was established to create a supportive environment for education and research activities in the natural sciences. The Center is currently involved in reforms to improve research and education facilities. As of 2015, this Center consists of the Management Office for Research Facilities and the Research Support Office, which comprises the Radioisotope Division, the Instrumentation Analysis Division, the Cryogenic Division and the Accelerator Division. The Center uses these facilities to expand its support for research in the natural sciences and improve the University’s research environment. The Management Office for Research Facilities oversees the Center equipment usage and coordinates University-wide research facilities, including equipment sharing and reuse within the University. The Center plays an essential role in supporting cutting-edge research at Kobe University.
1. Research Support Office
1) Radioisotope Division
The Radioisotope Division supports education and research involving radioisotopes, including the necessary safety precautions for radioisotope use. It provides key support by training researchers and technicians in radioisotope handling, and it is responsible for supplying the latest facilities and equipment for use within and outside the University to enable cutting-edge radioisotope research in the life sciences. As the core support center for radioisotope-related activities, this Division is committed to the advancement of research in Kobe University.
2) Instrumental Analysis Division
The Instrumental Analysis Division handles the growing maintenance load that accompanies the increase in larger and high performance analytical instruments used in research. This Division was established to facilitate the shared and effective use of instruments by a large number of researchers, and it is responsible for the maintenance, central management and joint use of equipment. Currently the Division houses several kinds of high-performance analytical electron microscopes, electron spin resonance spectroscopies, Raman laser spectroscopies, and multi-purpose digital nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, all of which are widely used in Kobe University research activities. The Division plays a central role in instrumentation analysis and plans to expand its activities from shared apparatus use within the University to outside the University.
3) Cryogenic Division
The cryogens of liquid nitrogen and liquid helium are widely used in the natural sciences to achieve cryogenic temperatures. In recent years the advancement and diversification of research has led to increased use of these freezing agents, and this Division was formed in response to those needs. The Division is in charge of the development of cryogenic technologies and support and guidance for academic activities that utilize cryogens. It aims to contribute to further developments in research and education through safety training, the creation and secure provision of cryogens within the University for experimental purposes, and cryogenic technology support through the development of new cryogenic measurement techniques.
4) Accelerator Division
The Accelerator Division was established in 2015 to support education and research through the shared use of tandem electrostatic accelerators. Since this type of accelerator can speed up almost all stable isotope ions, it can be used in research dealing with a wide range of matter. In addition, it can perform elemental analysis on surface matter, elemental identification of samples, surface matter modifications and the creation of functional materials. These functions mean that this equipment is useful in a wide range of fields, including nuclear and solid state physics, beam science, materials engineering, nuclear engineering, earth science, archaeology, biology, and environmental science. The Accelerator Division aims to expand its activities outside the University to become a core facility within Japan.
2. Management Office for Research Facilities
The Management Office for Research Facilities was established to promote shared use of research facilities, manage the University database for research facilities and equipment, and plan new research initiatives. As well as integrating the user services for each of the four Divisions in the Research Support Office, this Office is in charge of strengthening University-wide research facility management through encouraging joint use of University research facilities, the reuse of apparatus where possible, human resources development, and management of the University research apparatus database. In collaboration with the four Divisions above, the Office supports education and research in Kobe University.
1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
Tel. +81(0)78-803-5398
E-mail: secretary@csrea.kobe-u. ac.jp
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