Permission to change the currently authorized status of residence must be received from the regional Immigration Bureau. Note that not all applications will be approved. A new residence card will be issued once the change of status of residence is approved.

Once received, you must bring your passport and new residence card to the Academic Affairs Section of the faculty/graduate school.

Those holding the status of residence “Student” are recognized as international students at Kobe University. Foreign people residing in Japan with the status of residence of “Dependent” or “spouse/child of a Japanese national” do not have the “Student” status of residence. If you do not have the “Student” status or you change to a different status of residence, you are not eligible for services provided for international students (such as scholarships).

Changes in status of residence from “Temporary Visitor" (Short-term Stay) to another type of resident status after entry to Japan are not usually approved without a special reason. In this case, a certificate of eligibility and a brief letter explaining the situation are required.

At the end of your program at the university (graduation, completion, withdrawal, expulsion, etc.)

Even if your status of residence as a “Student” is still valid after graduation or the completion of your program at the university, you must either leave Japan immediately or change your resident status. Having graduated or completed your program, you are no longer participating in "student activities".

The Immigration Bureau reserves the right to "revoke the resident status" of persons who are engaging in activities not covered by their resident status. If your resident status is revoked, you will be regarded as an illegal resident and will be subject to detention and deportation.


Immigration Services Agency of Japan Website

Cases in which the status of residence must be changed

When those holding another type of resident status change to “Student”.

How to apply

Documents to be submitted:

Residence status: Student
  • Application for Change of Status of Residence (P “student”)
  • Application for Change of Status of Residence(for organization)
    • Please apply at the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty/graduate school.
    • An ID photo (4 x 3 cm, taken within three months prior to the date of application)
    • Passport (Original)
    • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card) (Original)
    • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi).
      • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.)
    • A copy of the Certificate of enrollment, Certificate of acceptance, Student registration certificate, Re-admission certificate, etc.
    • For research students: Certificate of the research activities
    • Document certifying that you have the means to pay for all expenses incurred during your stay in Japan, such as a bank statement, Certificate of Scholarship etc.
    • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.
    • All certificates issued in Japan must be issued within three months prior to the date of application
Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.

When students take up a position at a Japanese university as a paid researcher (including as a professor, researcher, or recipients of the JSPS Invitation Fellowship or the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for overseas researcher)

their status of residence must be changed to “Professor”

How to apply

Documents to be submitted:

Residence status: Professor
  • Application for Change of Status of Residence (I “Professor”)
    • Form available from the Immigration Bureau: 
    • An ID photo (4 x 3 cm, taken within three months prior to the date of application)
    • Passport (Original)
    • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card)(Original)
    • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi)
      • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.
For non-regular employees (part-time)
  • Certificate of employment, which includes your position at the organization, your employment period, type of activities conducted and salary. This certificate must be issued under the name of dean and stamped with the official seal.
  • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.
  • All certificates issued in Japan must be issued within three months prior to the date of
Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.

When students take up a position at a Japanese university as a non-paid researcher

their status of residence must be changed to “Cultural Activities"

How to apply

Documents to be submitted:

  • Resident status: Cultural Activities
    • Application for Change of Status of Residence (J “Cultural Activities”)
    • An ID photo (4 x 3 cm, taken within three months prior to the date of application)
    • Passport (Original)
    • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card) (Original)
    • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi)
      • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.
    • Researcher registration certificate, which includes the individual’s status and research period at the university, and the content of their research activities. This certificate must be issued under the name of dean and stamped with the official seal.
    • Document certifying that you have the means to pay for all expenses incurred during your stay in Japan, such as a bank statement, Certificate of Scholarship etc.
    • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.
    • All certificates issued in Japan must be issued within three months prior to the date of application.
    • Please attach a Japanese translation if one of the documents for submission is in another language.
Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.

When students are employed in Japan after graduation

their status of residence must be changed to "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services", "Professor", “Designated Activities (Graduate from a university in Japan)” etc. depending on their activities in Japan.

  • Confirm with your employer as to which status of residence you should change to.
  • The Immigration Bureau usually starts accepting applications from January for students graduating in March who are going to be employed from April onwards. The new status will apply after graduation.
  • Please make sure you apply sufficiently early in order to obtain working visa in time.

How to apply

Residence Status: "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services"

Documents to be submitted:

  • Application for Change of Status of Residence (N "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services" )
  • Passport (Original)
  • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card) (Original)
  • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi)
    • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.
  • CV (Curriculum Vitae)
  • Certificate of (expected) graduation
    • When applying, submit a certificate of expected graduation. After graduation, submit your certificate of graduation as soon as possible.
  • Documents from your future employer:
    • Application for change of status of residence (for organization), Copy of Employment Agreement, Company’s registration certificate or financial statement, company brochure etc.
    • Please ask the company to which you are being employed about the required documents in advance.
  • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.
  • All certificates issued in Japan must be issued within three months prior to the date of application.

Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.

How to apply

Residence Status: “Designated Activities (Graduate from a university in Japan)”

Documents to be submitted:

  • Application for Change of Status of Residence (N “Designated Activities (Graduate from a
      university in Japan)”)
  • Passport (Original)
  • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card)(Original)
  • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi)
    • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.
  • Certificate of (expected) graduation
    • When applying, submit a certificate of expected graduation. After graduation, submit your certificate of graduation as soon as possible.
  • Document indicating Japanese ability
    • Copy of an N1 Certificate in the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or a Certificate of more than 480 points in the BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test
  • Documents from your future employer:
    • Application for change of status of residence (for organization), Copy of Employment Agreement, Company’s registration certificate or financial statement, company brochure, printout of company’s website etc.
    • Please ask the company to which you are being employed about the required documents in advance.
  • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.
  • All certificates issued in Japan must be issued within three months prior to the date of application.
  • Please attach a Japanese translation if one of the documents for submission is in another language.

Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.

When an international student would like to continue their job hunt in Japan after graduation

their status of residence must be changed to "Designated Activities (for job-seeking activities )".

  • This only applies to students who have successfully completed an accredited undergraduate or graduate courses. The following are not eligible for this status change: Students who have not been participating in job-hunting activities, non-degree students including research students, and students who leave the University after completing the required coursework but without submitting a dissertation or obtaining an academic degree.
  • If the application for this type of residence status is approved, graduates can obtain a period of stay for a maximum of six months. It is possible to extend the period of stay with this status of residence for up to one year after graduation. Those who wish to further extend their stay in Japan after the first 6 months in order to  continue job-seeking activities must repeat the same application process. They are advised to keep a record of their job-seeking activities, which is necessary in order for the University to issue a Letter of Recommendation.
  • After graduation, international students cannot continue seeking employment in Japan with the status of residence “College Student”, so they need to apply to change their status of residence to "Designated Activities" as soon as possible.
  • If the graduate  leaves Japan before applying to change their status of residence, they will be unable to change to the "Designated Activities (for job-seeking activities) " status.
  • In addition, if the application to change the  status of residence from “College Student” to “Designated Activities (for job-seeking activities)” is accepted, the applicant may also submit an additional application for permission to work part-time. Successful applicants may work a maximum of 28 hours per week.
  • Applicants who have changed their contact information, will leave Japan, or have found employment, please inform the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty/ graduate school immediately.

How to apply

Documents to be submitted:

Resident status: Designated Activities (for job-seeking activities)
  • Application for Change of Status of Residence (U “Others”)
  • An ID photo (4 x 3 cm, taken within three months prior to the date of application)
  • Passport(Original)
  • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card)(Original)
  • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi)
    • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.
  • Document certifying that you have the means to pay for any expenses incurred during your stay in Japan, such as a bank statement, or any documents certifying that you have received a money transfer from your country etc.
  • Diploma (a copy is accepted) or Certificate of (expected) graduation for a degree from the last school at which you were enrolled.
    • When applying, submit a certificate of expected graduation. After graduation, submit your Diploma (a copy is accepted) or a certificate of graduation as soon as possible.
  • A Letter of Recommendation from the last school at which you were enrolled
    • Letters of Recommendation must be submitted in the approved format
    • The university must issue a Letter of Recommendation evaluating the student's performance during job-hunting activities. Therefore, the university cannot recommend students who have not demonstrated any results during their job-hunting activities. You will be asked to submit documents verifying your continued job-hunting activities. Do not delete or throw away emails and screening result documents from companies to which you have applied.
    • To issue a Letter of Recommendation, a recommendation letter from your supervisor is required. Please visit the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty/  graduate school for more details.
    • The university can issue this Letter of Recommendation up to 1 year after your graduation.
  • Documents showing that job-seeking activities were begun prior to graduation e.g. a notice of screening results (letter or e-mail) sent by a company to which you applied, brochures for company information sessions, etc.
  • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.
  • All certificates issued in Japan must be issued within three months prior to the date of application.

Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.

If those holding the status of residence “Student” or “Designated Activities (for job-seeking activities)” received a tentative offer of employment and would like to continue their stay in Japan until starting work (e.g. someone who graduated or completed their program in September and received a tentative offer of employment in July and is due to start work from next April.)

their status of residence must be changed to “Designated Activity (before starting a job)”

  • In addition, if the application for a change in status of residence to “Designated Activities (before starting a job)” is accepted, the applicant may also submit a separate application for permission to work part-time. Successful applicants may work a maximum of 28 hours per week.

Application requirements

  • Applicants who have completed a course or graduated from a university/educational institution in Japan.
  • Employment starts “within one year after the job offer date” and “less than 1 year and 6 months after graduation”.
  • Applicants are expected to change their status of residence to a working visa such as “Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/ International Services” etc.
  • The applicant must have no problem residing in Japan.
  • A letter from the company stating their pledge to keep regular contact with the prospective employee and inform the Immigration Bureau immediately in case of job offer withdrawal.

How to apply

Documents to be submitted:

Designated Activities (before starting a job)
  • ・Application for Change of Status of Residence (U “Others”)
  • An ID photo (4 x 3 cm, taken within three months prior to the date of application)
  • Passport(Original)
  • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card)(Original)
  • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi)
    • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.
  • Document certifying that you have the means to pay for any expenses incurred during your stay in Japan, such as a bank statement, or any documents certifying that you have received a money transfer from your country etc.
  • Required application documents for changing to a working visa resident status
    (e.g. Diploma or Graduation Certificate, CV, company registration certificate, financial statement or company brochure etc. Required documents vary by company.)
  • A job offer letter issued by an employer (Documents certifying the job offer and the date the job offer.)
  • Pledge indicating compliance with the obligation to communicate information, etc.
  • Document of pre-employment training program (if any)
  • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.
  • All certificates issued in Japan must be issued within three months prior to the date of application.

Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.

When graduates wish to extend their stay in Japan for sight-seeing or conducting preparations for leaving Japan (e.g. if the remaining period of stay is a little too short towards the end of the acceptance period, or if you want to travel in Japan before going back to your country)

their status of residence must be changed to “Temporary Visitor”

How to apply

Documents to be submitted:

Temporary Visitor
  • Application for Change of Status of Residence (H “Short Item stay”)
  • An ID photo (4 x 3 cm, taken within three months prior to the date of application)
  • Passport (Original)
  • Residence card (or Alien Registration Card)(Original)
  • Processing fee of ¥4,000, to be paid in revenue stamps (shunyu inshi)
    • Revenue stamps (shunyu inshi) are available at post offices and convenience stores.
  • A statement showing the reason(s) why they need to change their status to "Temporary Visitor"
    • Free format: A document which shows that they plan to leave Japan, such as an airplane ticket.
  • Applicants must return their residence card after the application has been approved.
  • Additional documents may be required by the Immigration Bureau.

Application Procedures

Submit the above documents to the Immigration Bureau which controls your residing area.


If a provider’s “College Student” status was changed to "Designated Activities (for job-seeking activities )", “Designated Activity (before starting a job)” or “Designated Activities
(Graduate from a university in Japan)”, the provider’s spouse and children must change their
status of residence from “Dependent” to “Designated Activities”.

“Special measures” in the immigration laws

If foreign nationals holding a visa with a period of stay of more than thirty days apply for an extension of stay or change of status of residence prior to the expiration of their current period of stay, they may be able to remain in Japan legally until the application process is completed. They may also be able to continue working part-time during this period, and be eligible for special re-entry permission.