- 人文学研究科 オスカー・レン 博士後期課程
論文「“Lost in the Fields”: Wayfinding and Disorientation Within a Japanese Agrarian Landscape, Doctoral Course WRENN Oscar」 - 国際文化学研究科 小松原 哲太 講師
論文「Framing risk metaphorically: Changes in metaphors of COVID-19 over time in Japanese, Assistant Professor KOMATSUBARA Tetsuta」 - 人間発達環境学研究科 原田 和弘 教授
論文「Does Future Time Perspective Moderate Associations of Instrumental and Affective Attitude With Exercise Behavior? A Three-Wave Longitudinal Survey Among Japanese Older Adults, Professor HARADA Kazuhiro」 - 経営学研究科 定兼 仁 准教授
論文「Multistage Information Transmission with Voluntary Monetary Transfers, Associate Professor SADAKANE Hitoshi」 - 経済経営研究所 明坂 弥香 助教
論文「Temporal Instability of Risk Preference among the Poor: Evidence from Payday Cycles, Assistant Professor AKESAKA Mika」 - 経済学研究科 茂木 快治 准教授
論文「A note on the exponentiation approximation of the birthday paradox, Associate Professor MOTEGI Kaiji」 - 理学研究科 謝 衛斌 特命助教
論文「Metal-free reduction of CO2 to formate using a photochemical organohydride-catalyst recycling strategy, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor XIE Weibin」 - システム情報学研究科 若生 将史 准教授
論文「Self-triggered stabilization of discrete-time linear systems with quantized state measurements, Associate Professor WAKAIKI Masashi」 - 農学研究科 木田 森丸 助教
論文 「Determinants of Microbial-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter Diversity in Antarctic Lakes, Assistant Professor KIDA Morimaru」 - 先端膜工学研究センター 管 科成 助教
論文「Deformation constraints of graphene oxide nanochannels under reverse osmosis, Assistant Professor GUAN Kecheng」 - 医学研究科 尾ノ井 勇磨 博士課程
論文「Clinical use of autologous adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cell injections for hip osteoarthritis, Doctoral Course ONOI Yuma」 - 医学研究科 小森 里美 特命助教
論文「 CD47 promotes peripheral T cell survival by preventing dendritic cell–mediated T cell necroptosis, Specially-Appointed Assistant Professor KOMORI Satomi」 - 医学研究科 中井 信裕 特命講師
論文「Virtual reality-based real-time imaging reveals abnormal cortical dynamics during behavioral transitions in a mouse model of autism, Specially-Appointed Associate Professor NAKAI Nobuhiro」 - 医学研究科 中西 信人 特命助教
論文「Instruments to assess post-intensive care syndrome assessment: a scoping review and modified Delphi method study, Specially-Appointed Assistant Professor NAKANISHI Nobuto」 - 保健学研究科 副島 尭史 准教授
論文「Impact of flexible work arrangements on job resignation after cancer diagnosis among Japanese young adult cancer survivors, Associate Professor SOEJIMA Takafumi」