On 11 April, Associate Professor Eva Hanada (Institute for Promoting International Partnerships) participated in the third edition of Erasmus-Day, which took place at Okayama University’s Tsushima campus.

First, Mr. Richard Kelner (Academic Cooperation Officer from the Delegation of the EU to Japan) joined online to give an overview of the Erasmus+ Programme. Associate Professor Eva Hanada then gave a presentation on the Erasmus+ strategies and achievements of Kobe University, highlighting the Jean Monnet Activities (Jean Monnet Chairs, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Jean Monnet Network) and the exchange with our 19 Erasmus+ partner universities in Europe. The event participants were particularly interested in our Jean Monnet activities. Okayama University then explained in detail its academic exchange with Europe and several Erasmus+ Programme participants reported their experiences.
This event was a good opportunity for Kobe University to exchange information about the Erasmus+ Programme with other universities and to gain insights into joint research projects (Horizon Europe) conducted by other universities.
More details about this event can be found at the following link: Third Erasmus-Day at Okayama University
(Global Engagement Division)