On June 15, the Consul General Xue Jian from the Chinese Consulate-General in Osaka paid a visit to President FUJISAWA Masato.
Their meeting was also attended by the following people: Nie Ruilin (Counselor), Zhou Lian (Consul), Li Ruobing (Vice-Consul), Sun Kai(Attaché), Kobe University’s Executive Vice President NAKAMURA Tamotsu (Director of the Institute for Promoting International Partnerships), OHMURA Naoto(Executive Vice President) and Professor Hu Yunfang (Director of the Beijing Office).
President Fujisawa began by welcoming the visitors. Consul General Xue spoke about the trend of Chinese students studying abroad and the resumption of student and academic exchanges. He also expressed his hope for a cooperation between Chinese and Japanese academic institutions.

The meeting was preceded by a visit to the research laboratory of Professor Hu Yunfang, and an informal meeting with Chinese students of Kobe University.
We hope that this visit will be an opportunity to promote even closer academic partnerships between Kobe University and Chinese academic institutions in both education and research.
(Global Engagement Division)