On Oct. 11, Vice Provost Gretchen NEISLER and her delegation from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT Knoxville) paid a visit to Executive Vice President NAKAMURA Tamotsu (director of the Institute for Promoting International Partnerships). Their meeting was also attended by LIU Rachel (director of the Office of Asia Engagement, UT Knoxville), TANAKA Junko (executive director of the Americas Division and professor of the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies), INOUE Hiroki (professor of the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies) and HANADA Eva (associate professor of the Institute for Promoting International Partnerships). This is the second visit by Vice Provost Neisler and Ms. Liu to Kobe University, the first being on June 6, 2022.
During the meeting, UT Knoxville mentioned the possibility for all Kobe University students to participate in a short-term training program in Tennessee based on the international co-curricular program with UT Knoxville held at the Faculty of Global Human Sciences and the Faculty of Law from May 20 to June 1, 2023. They also exchanged opinions on the possibility of further strengthening mutual faculty exchange.
It is hoped that this visit will lead to continued active exchange with UT Knoxville, which is based in eastern Tennessee where many Japanese companies have established operations.

(Global Engagement Division)